Tarabusi G., Ferrari G. (2009), Information technology tools for the valorisation of seismology’s historical documentary heritage.

In Articoli

Tarabusi G., Ferrari G. (2009), Information technology tools for the valorisation of seismology’s historical documentary heritage.

Annals of Geophysics, 52, 739-759.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.4401/ag-4629

In the past few decades historical documentation of a scientific and non-scientific nature has taken on critical
importance in the different sectors of seismology: historical seismology and historical seismometry.
Modern technologies offer unique opportunities for cataloguing and efficiently distributing the reproductions or digital versions of scientific letters.
Over the last 20 years SGA (Storia Geofisica Ambiente) has set up and promoted, within the scope of the TROMOS (INGV-SGA) and EUROSEISMOS (INGV-SGA) projects, initiatives for the cataloguing, reproduction, study and dissemination of documentation relating to the history of seismology in both Italy and Europe. This approach, based on the application of modern technologies, has enabled us to achieve a rigorous processing and study of documents using the most appropriate information technology tools.
The techniques we have used encourage the dissemination and study of historical scientific documentation seeking to bring together scholars and research groups within a new disciplinary community dedicated to studying the history of earth sciences.