Ferrari G., Gasperini P., Guidoboni, E. (1995), Macroseismic intensity evaluation with the "Fuzzy Sets Logic"

In Articoli

Ferrari G., Gasperini P., Guidoboni, E. (1995), Macroseismic intensity evaluation with the "Fuzzy Sets Logic"

Annali di Geofisica, 38, 811-826, ISSN: 1590-1815

DOI: 10.4401/ag-4087


The use of a macroseismic scale often requires subjective choices and judgments which may produce inhomogeneities and biases in the resulting intensities. To get over this problem it would be necessary to formalize the decision process leading to the estimation of the macroseismic intensity but, on historical records, this is often hindered by the poorness and incompleteness of the aLailable information and by the intrinsical ambiguity of the common language. Moreover. all the intensity scales have always been created and updated to be used <>T. his approach reproduces the taslts performed by the hurnan brain which. taking advantage of the tolerance of imprecision. is able to handle with information bearing only an approximate relation to the data. This allows to understand and make explicit some passes of the evaluation process that are unconsciously followed by the macroseismic expert.